Sunday, March 18, 2012

"The Web Of Illusion, Mistaken as Reality"

I would like to share  with you , the beauty of synchronicity and how unknowingly at times we find ourselves being lead to the right place, in the right time, at the right moment for our minds to see.... our ears to hear.....and our hearts to know.....

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I decided one day to surprise my 7 yr old daughter,  her best friend and I to a night out and  go see this movie, she had been talking about for weeks  Called "Lorax". I was unfamiliar with the story, silly of me to think to myself "oh...its just another kids movie, she wants to drag me to go see. Boy was I wrong....
This scene caught my attention and the message it conveyed, was connected to the Ascension keys I have been receiving and trying to decode and share, yet finding myself unable make sense of how all of the pieces fit together. 

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Until I heard this song.*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

 How Bad Can I Be (The Lorax)

 I was completely blown away by the subtlety and simplicity of the message, hidden within the song! Yet at the same time, thinking to myself... OMG!!! This Is Absolutely Amazing! 
The Universe is delivering "The Laws" to our children. before they too lose their Rights of Sovereignty as so many other generations have succubus to. because they have either forgotten and/or have chosen to ignore "The Universal Cosmic Laws".

So in turn, now the student is the teacher and the teacher becomes the student. so that they may Learn, Live, Share and Remind all of humanity that, " We have the Right To Freedom, Liberty and To Pursue Happiness". Do You Truly Know What it means "TO BE FREE???", What Does Freedom Really Mean???". Take a moment and remember, when you were a child. How you would run, play, say what you feel and whole heartily felt what you said. How you trusted so easily and Loved so freely. So Happy, So Free, Untouchable..... until that day you learned of "Fear" and have been living Enslaved (In Slavery To) to it ever since with the delusion that Slavery ended after the civil war...... 

 LET IT GROW  (The Lorax)

I have found that a lot of the time when you least expect it, the answers you have been seeking can be found in the most unexpected places.
for some time now I have been noticing a common theme in "today's way of thinking", which has been imprinted in our DNA somehow. For so long I have wondered, what lead humanity to this point?, what ever happened to the saying " Together We Stand, Divided We Fall?. Have We Forgotten The Words or Just The Meaning of, That Which Our Forefather's Built This Very United States Of America.
I remember the very first time i came across those words, It was  on the back of a Crisp $2 dollar bill my  Dad had put inside my birthday card one year. At first I was like, "cool, I didn't know their was such a thing as a $2.00 bill". He explained to me that I was a Bicentennial baby and that 1976 not only marked a milestone in His and my moms life, but for All of  the United States of America as well. needless to say, those words and the words that  I read on that bill have stayed with me over the years.
They have continue to hold truth in our society over the years, always bouncing us back to unity in  times of peril. Like a rubber band that continues to keep this nation together, regardless of what we may be faced with.

Yet ironically, just as a rubber band begins to  stretch and  ware thin over time. People are human and when faced with constant struggle and feelings of defeat, automatically go into "survival mode" and develop become single minded individualist. Which in my eyes has always played a vital role through humanity and the fall of previous civilizations. Causing history to repeat itself time and time again.                  

For so long we have been living in a fear based conditioned world that tells us, we have to give up certain rights in exchange for the privilege to live in the great country.  is one of our God Given Right,  Privileges are just an illusion.

~Seriously, It's Truly Time For You To Wake Up!!!~ 

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