Monday, February 20, 2012

Finding Sanity Within An Insane World

I Am Aware that ALL are subconsciously searching to make sense of their life and all that it encompasses.

To many times we find ourselves overwhelmed by the constant chaos that surrounds us, not realizing that the stress in our life's is "Self Created". 
It's difficult to be able to step outside the box ( The Matrix ) and understand what is truly going on.

We constantly tell ourselves that we are to busy to take a moment, to breath, to feel, to process the things that are a constant in our lives, because we find ourselves "Always rushing to put out fires" and not questioning "What caused the fire in the first place?".
We have all been conditioned to React first, ask questions later. The problem is the "Later" never seems to come, we are constantly being distracted and not even aware that we are.

A long time ago, my mom had asked me, "Why is it so important for you, to figure out the reason why people do what they do?".  Why do you have this Need to Understand and Know Everything?". "Why cant you just accept that sometimes, things just  happen for no real reason?".
At the time i couldn't truly explain the "Whys".  I just had this feeling deep down inside of me, the "Whys" are one of the Keys to achieving a greater understanding to our lessons in life. We are a "Trial and Error" society, yet within every "Error" we are constantly improving ourselves and evolving.

We learn through our experiences, each experience creates a difference meaning and within that meaning is a feeling. We forget that we are led by the cycles we create within our thoughts and emotions.
 Seeing the Key patterns can guide us to solving the problems, when we choose to redirect blame outside of ourselves wee fail to see the big picutre.

~Accepting - we have no one to blame, but  blame ourselves.

~Realize - the reoccurring circumstances or events always have a meaning or message. Find it!

~Aknowledge - things always occur for a reason. The lesson is to Experiencing Life!

~Release - that which no longer controls you, no longer serves you. So Let it Go!

~Choices - Set your intention every day, only then can you truly be free. Reclaim The Power of Intention!

~Change - changing your attitude, will change your life. Their are No Victims, just Players in the Game of Life!

~Discern -  you will only Truly Know All, once you are able to think with your heart and feel with your mind.

~Recycle - cut the karmic cords of all things you no longer resonate with and Don't want or need in your life. Always remember, when you let go of something always remember to fill it with the things you Do want and need in your life. 

~Appreciate - be thankful of all things  and people in your life, show kindness and compassion towards all.
don't spend time in fruitless thoughts of what you don't have, don't want, don't care. flip the script and focus your energy on the things you do have, do want, do care. THEN YOU CAN STEP OUT OF DUALITY AND INTO UNITY.

~Believe -  Hope is the tread that guides us through the Unknown.
       * Always have faith that all is as it should be, because you intended it to be before you even knew it.
       *Always Trust your heart, for it will always guide you where you need to be.

*~*~*Always remember, the best way to get somewhere is to first know where you are going. 
Otherwise you will just be driving around in circles.

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